Just wanted to say hello

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Just wanted to say hello

Hey all,

just wanted to pop in and say hello and see how everyone is going. Maybe someday I can go into your teamspeak and get to know some of you. I try to hop onto your server on sunday mornings but I either wake up too late or having breakfast at that time.

See you around :D
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Hey Ausgirl

Its good to see you around. I'll have to pop into one of your servers when you guys are there. Feel free to drop by anytime.
Most recent anime finished: Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions!
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I don't play Halo but welcome to the forums!
Currently Playing: Apex Legends, Total Warhammer III, and DDO
Positions Held: ACO of STO, ACO & AXO of Gmod, and ARO
Nightmare hasibe Pipistrello.
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Hey AUSSIEGIRL, I'm doing well, how about you? :)

Do you need any help logging to our TeamSpeak server or is it working for you? Let me know if you need any assistance.

Also, I'll be sure to message you on Steam if you are available when I'm logging on TeamSpeak myself.
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Re: Just wanted to say hello

AUSSIEGIRL wrote:Hey all,

just wanted to pop in and say hello and see how everyone is going. Maybe someday I can go into your teamspeak and get to know some of you. I try to hop onto your server on sunday mornings but I either wake up too late or having breakfast at that time.

See you around :D
Hey Aussie!
Good to see you. How's AG doing? Can you send me a private message with the link to your forums? I deleted some stuff on accident while cleaning up my browser. =P
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nice to hear from all of you and thanks for the nice messages. I am doing pretty good , Volunteering with animals this morning , my sleeping habits are bad so i need to get the energy for it every Saturday :P I should be able to get TS going , I will try it this weekend , just haven't been on halo much. But i will give it a try :)
good to see you too shine. We are doing very well even though you don't see many of us in our servers and the forums but we are still around and I am still keeping us going and won't give up on them :). actually i can send you the link here . www.agclan.org no worries i do that sometimes too and it gets frustrating when you delete some of the stuff you don't mean to
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