Happy birthday

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Happy birthday

Happy birthday tater miss you! Welcome to the 30's!
Poop in his hand poop in his hand poop in his hand---Mice from G-Force
I like designs that don't require much screwing---Gt
I'm a girl I'm a girl I'm a girl-------me
I tend to believe people who are good natured people as opposed to people who can't get themselves
arrested---------------Judge Judy
Are you happy to see me or is Don up your skirt?--gt24

Don't ever touch my signature again, I don't take kindly to people touching it!!!
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Happy Birthday Tater!
“I do believe in the power of story.
I believe that stories have an important role to play in the formation of human beings, that they can stimulate, amaze and inspire their listeners.”
― Hayao Miyazaki
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Happy Birthday someone I've never met online! :)
*TBD Signature here*

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He was here.... long long time ago in a far away land.... when the time of milfeulle was not here.... or mabye he was here... ahh aren't bed time stories fun!
“I do believe in the power of story.
I believe that stories have an important role to play in the formation of human beings, that they can stimulate, amaze and inspire their listeners.”
― Hayao Miyazaki
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Lt Colonel
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He pops in sometimes, just gotta be online at night when he gets bored enough to get on teamspeak lol.
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