I am really looking for some recommendations for single player linear FPS games for PC.
I really dislike a game where you go out to "find work" or look for quests that deviate away from the story.
Games I love:
Half Life Series
Portal Series
Call of duty series
Battlefield series
Serious Sam Series
Crysis Series
Games I Enjoy:
Command and Conquer series
DmC Devil May Cry
F.E.A.R. Series
Left 4 Dead Series
South Park: Stick of Truth
Dead Space Series
Games I found ok:
Warhammer 40k Series
Metro 2033 & Last Light
Lego Games
Bioshock Series
Games i really dislikes:
Elder Scrolls Series
Fallout 4
Dues Ex
any FPS RPG type game
You can view my steam library here
My origin library is below, click image for a larger picture

So if I have missed a classic or new FPS good for single player would be fantastic.
Many Thanks