Looking for a member in [CC]

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Looking for a member in [CC]

I can't really remember the name this particular person. It was during the years of 2010 and 2011. There was a server on Team Fortress 2 called 24/7 Badlands Arena. I used to somewhat be a regular there. I distinctly remember some members although not many. But this one member really help me out when I was in a jam and when I didn't have a whole lot. I couldn't really afford any the rent for some time. I just mainly played TF2 a lot of that time before I had to stop for quite a few years. I didn't really play anything else then.

He added me on xfire before xfire shutdown. I tried to install it that day but I learned that it closed. I just wanted to say thanks after all these years and figured he'd still be on this site.
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Dr Lag
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Do you know what his name begins with
these friken algger high pingers-Loyde
I have had less Lag running my call of duty 4 on Windows vista-A Radio
You know, I briefly spoke with you on Xfire a couple days ago, and for the rest of that day I had really bad in-game lag. :O-Shine
And now Lag is the one who is OP-Sock?
I Lag so bad when I engage someone close.-Slither
Thankx Sock? and Dart
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I think it began with a P. Not sure how much that helps though.
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Dr Lag
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Pacman maybe lol
these friken algger high pingers-Loyde
I have had less Lag running my call of duty 4 on Windows vista-A Radio
You know, I briefly spoke with you on Xfire a couple days ago, and for the rest of that day I had really bad in-game lag. :O-Shine
And now Lag is the one who is OP-Sock?
I Lag so bad when I engage someone close.-Slither
Thankx Sock? and Dart
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I don't remember that name. He had the cake is a lie for his profile. But I don't think it's Pacman.
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Yeah! That's the guy. I just gave him a message on Steam.I'm still have the same picture after all these years. Thanks for the help Ovalusc!
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I just wanted to say Ovalusc, thanks for helping him out. It's good to know you're doing well though Lancaster. It's been a really long time since I last heard from you. And yeah I'm not in combat Corps anymore. But every once in awhile I still check here from time to time but I don't say much. Again it's really good to hear from you though.

"A calling comes for those who have no hope in a desperate situation, but does it make the good times last?"-[CC]Psiclaw
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-Ben- You will be missed.
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Also one more thing, if you you want to talk to me more often just let me know. Really appreciate that thanks though. Honestly I didn't think anybody really remembered me much. Well you know, anyone really outside of the clan that was on that server. I had a lot of good times on on that server though. I think most of my hours went to it.

"A calling comes for those who have no hope in a desperate situation, but does it make the good times last?"-[CC]Psiclaw
Recruits: [CC]Meoaim,[CC]Cherrybombsundea,[CC]Mateo,[CC]dustyjuicebox,[CC]Fives

-Ben- You will be missed.
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It's just good to hear from you again man. It's been way too long. I'll add you on Steam. Sorry if I couldn't before but I was just on my way back from work. And I understand man it's been several years. Anyways I hope your doing good and I still can't thank you enough for what you've done for me all these years. I can't say I've been on a better server. Really wish I could have those days again.
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No problem! I never knew how much of an impact it had when I did that. I don't really know what to say. I'm just glad your life is doing better from what I can tell.

"A calling comes for those who have no hope in a desperate situation, but does it make the good times last?"-[CC]Psiclaw
Recruits: [CC]Meoaim,[CC]Cherrybombsundea,[CC]Mateo,[CC]dustyjuicebox,[CC]Fives

-Ben- You will be missed.
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You still play TF2 by the way?
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I don't really play TF2 much anymore. But I was on for that new jungle Inferno update. I still haven't really gone for the whole contract thing because I haven't played it in quite a number of years. But it seems like something I might have interest in eventually whether I miss it or not or it's a temporary event or I don't know. I just been mainly playing a few single player games like Kotor 2. I haven't played it in all these years and I enjoy it very much.

"A calling comes for those who have no hope in a desperate situation, but does it make the good times last?"-[CC]Psiclaw
Recruits: [CC]Meoaim,[CC]Cherrybombsundea,[CC]Mateo,[CC]dustyjuicebox,[CC]Fives

-Ben- You will be missed.
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Shame you don't play TF2 anymore. Sorry if I keep going back and forth.
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Don't be. And just play single player games as of recent. I don't have much time to play video games as I used to.

"A calling comes for those who have no hope in a desperate situation, but does it make the good times last?"-[CC]Psiclaw
Recruits: [CC]Meoaim,[CC]Cherrybombsundea,[CC]Mateo,[CC]dustyjuicebox,[CC]Fives

-Ben- You will be missed.
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Lt General
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This thread here really warms my heart <3
Thank you for helping them find each other once again Ovalusc!

As for Psiclaw and Lancaster, you guys are always welcome to join our clan/rejoin if you ever decided to or want to come back.
We've made many changes since 2011/2010 and more are scheduled to be made in the next few months if that interests you.

Other than that, If there is anything I can do to help or explain, [CC] wise or otherwise you are also welcome to let me know or add me on Steam just for a conversation, whatever suits you best! :)
*TBD Signature here*

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What kind of changes? I know I don't really play TF2 much anymore, but if it's server related, that would be pretty cool. Either way, really great to hear from you guys.

"A calling comes for those who have no hope in a desperate situation, but does it make the good times last?"-[CC]Psiclaw
Recruits: [CC]Meoaim,[CC]Cherrybombsundea,[CC]Mateo,[CC]dustyjuicebox,[CC]Fives

-Ben- You will be missed.
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Server changes would be interesting. Seeing as how both servers are always dead.
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Server wise we now have a recently added Clan Discord server, in addition to our long-standing TS server:

It seems that several new games people in our clan currently play are of the kind that doesn't have dedicated game servers, but rather of the matchmaking kind, or mainly official game provider servers instead of locally hosted ones: PUBG, LoL, Overwatch, MapleStory, Rocket Leauge and a few others.

We are planning to consolidate the clan structurally so as to have less rigid divisions and running procedures, and instead, support more freedom in how people can interact and get together for activities. For instance, members can now opt to use either TS or Discord depending on their preferences; also, some long-lasting restrictions might be lifted in regards to formality and running games and activities as command staffs, all in all we're still discussing the possibilities in leadership at present so expect some form of structural reorganization if you are keeping tabs with the clan workings.

Other than that, If you guys have suggestions of your own as well for the clan, we would like to hear them, whether you are members of [CC] at present or not, don't be shy. :)
*TBD Signature here*

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Lt Colonel
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I'll throw Destiny 2 into that list for you :) We have 4 people so far, looking for 2 more (PC) so we can run the raids :(

(Being in the clan not required lol)
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Brig General
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this right here, is why i joined CC. there is nothing better than seeing the impact people have had. i remember some of the few people on here that i interacted with that had lasting impressions on me and im glad others feelthe same and can reconnect after all these years.
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Milfeulle wrote:Server wise we now have a recently added Clan Discord server, in addition to our long-standing TS server:

It seems that several new games people in our clan currently play are of the kind that doesn't have dedicated game servers, but rather of the matchmaking kind, or mainly official game provider servers instead of locally hosted ones: PUBG, LoL, Overwatch, MapleStory, Rocket Leauge and a few others.

We are planning to consolidate the clan structurally so as to have less rigid divisions and running procedures, and instead, support more freedom in how people can interact and get together for activities. For instance, members can now opt to use either TS or Discord depending on their preferences; also, some long-lasting restrictions might be lifted in regards to formality and running games and activities as command staffs, all in all we're still discussing the possibilities in leadership at present so expect some form of structural reorganization if you are keeping tabs with the clan workings.

Other than that, If you guys have suggestions of your own as well for the clan, we would like to hear them, whether you are members of [CC] at present or not, don't be shy. :)
It sounds like you guys have a lot planned for out the year. Although I'm really not on the internet as much as I used to be, I really appreciate it. I'm only new to the forms and I don't really have a lot of ideas and suggestions right now. But I'll let you know if I have any!
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Chief MSgt
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ow the bromance, the nostalgia. this is why I love gaming <3
"And still I see no changes can't a brother get a little peace?
It's war on the streets and the war in the Middle East
Instead of war on poverty they got a war on drugs
So the police can bother me"
http://es.miniprofile.xfire.com/bg/sh/t ... malexp.png
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